Q: Will there be the celebration of Communion on the first Sunday of the month?
A: Yes. We look forward
to sharing in meal at the table of grace! We will continue to use
individual, pre-packaged cups & wafers. In the foyer, just before
you enter the Sanctuary, there will be a table with Communion trays
filled with pre-packaged cups & wafers. If you are baptized, please
take one.
Q: After registering on Eventbrite, do you need a ticket to enter the church?
A: No. When you arrive at RCAC through the Gym, simply tell the usher your name.
Q: Will the preacher and worship leader(s) (singers, anyone up on the stage) be wearing a mask when speaking or singing?
Q: How will seating be arranged in the Sanctuary?
A: Ushers will guide you from the Sanctuary doors (from the foyer) to your seat. Depending on the size of your group, you will be offered a suitable seating area distanced from other worshipers.
Q: If there is no more space for in-person worship, how will I be able to join the worship service?
A: We will invite you to join online, via Zoom. You will be able to join live, at 9:00am.
Q: Will recordings of the service continue to be posted on this website?
A: No. Recordings of the service will only be made available by request. Further information to come.
Q: To join on Zoom, will I need to register again to join the worship service?
A: No. If you are already registered on Zoom for our Sunday Worship Services, then you are all set and ready to go. However, if you have not yet registered to join the worship service via Zoom, you will need to do so by clicking here.
Q: Will the elevator be available to use?
A: Yes. We ask that only two persons use the elevator at a time.
Q: When will Registration begin?
A: Registration for upcoming worship services has begun, and will be released 1-week in advance. A link to register will always be posted on the home page of this website. (You can click "Richmond Chinese Alliance Church" at the top-left of this page)
Q: Will there be concurrent ministries happening at RCAC during our worship service?
A: No. For the time being, this worship service will be the only gathering at RCAC during that time.
Q: Is there anyway I can help?
A: Yes! We need many volunteers to join various new teams including the Usher Team and the Sanitizing Team. If you are interested and willing, please contact Pastor Jason directly at jason.cheung@rcac.ca.
Do you have any more questions? Please let us know, and we'll do our best to answer you.
Email Pastor Jason at jason.cheung@rcac.ca