Transitional Ministry Updates


Information about on Transitional Ministry including our search for a Transitional Pastor and Transitional Coach will be updated here. The Board of Elders have worked with the Canadian Pacific District to engage with Pathways Forward to support our church in seeking our next Senior Pastor. Pathways Forward is a ministry that aims to help churches navigate seasons of change.

有關過渡事工的資訊,包括我們尋找過渡牧師和過渡教練的資訊將在此處更新。長議會與加拿大太平洋區會磋商,邀請 Pathways Forward以協助我們尋找下一任主任牧師 。Pathways Forward事工成立的目的就是要協助宣道會的眾教會在缺乏主任牧師的情況下依然繼續福音的工作。


July 4, 2024

The Church Health Assessments that was presented on June 28th is now available at the following links:

       Chinese Version – Click Here
       English Version   – Click Here

Next steps in the Transitional Process are:
1.  Create the Lead Pastor Profile document for discussion and approval by the Board of Elders
2.  Begin to Address the Key Result Areas as presented in the Church Health Assessment

3.  Board of Elders decision as to when to launch the senior Pastoral Search (proposed timeline is early August)   

6 月 28 日發佈的教會狀況評估現已可透過以下連結取得:

      中文版 – 按此

      英文版 – 按此


1. 建立主任牧師聘請條件文件供長議會討論和批准

2. 展開在教會狀況評估中提出的成長關鍵結果領域的各項工作

3. 長議會決定何時啟動招聘主任牧師程序(建議是八月初)

June 2024

On Friday June 28th at 7 pm the results of the RCAC Church Health Assessment will presented to the congregation.  We will have Power Point presentations in both English and Chinese. We want to thank everyone who participated in this church wide Assessment.  We are sure you will find the results of the major exploration of the health of RCAC very informative and helpful. There will opportunity for Question and Answer at this presentation.  It will take approximately 2 hours.  We encourage you to be part of this important presentation.

6 月 28 日星期五晚上 7 點,列宣家狀況評估結果將公布給會眾。 我們將有英文和中文的投影片顯示。感謝參與本次評估的所有人。 深信大家會發現列宣家的狀況評估結果非常有用且有幫助。本次發佈會將有機會進行問答。 大約需要 2 小時。 我們鼓勵您參加這個重要的發佈會。

April 30, 2024

Thank you for your participation in the Church Health Assessment! We have received 375 responses so far, surpassing our minimum target of 300 and on our way to our goal of 400. Join us in praying for our Transitional Ministry Pastors/Coaches Rev. Gerry and Rev. Bruce, and their teams, as they review and compile your responses. 

Click here to see our latest update: "Where are we at in the Transitional process at RCAC?" 



April 1, 2024

We are now entering a very important phase in the Transitional Ministry process starting April 1st. We want to begin the work of assessing the overall health of RCAC. We are encouraging everyone to participate in the RCAC Church Health Assessment.  

(Link no longer available as Assessment period is over)

If you prefer to complete a paper copy of the Church Health Assessment, they will be available from the church office and from the information table after the Saturday and Sunday services.  The deadline to complete the Church Health Assessment is Monday April 22nd

從 4 月 1 日開始,過渡事工將會進入一個非常重要的階段。我們會開始評估列宣家整體健康狀況的工作。我們鼓勵每一位弟兄姊妹都參與這次列宣家的整體健康評估。


如果您比較喜歡用紙筆填寫評估,請於工作時間在教會辦公室或者於週六和週日崇拜後在禮堂入口索取。遞交評估的截止日期是 4 月 22 日 (星期一)。敬希垂注,多謝參與 。

February 29, 2024

Dr. Bruce Gordon and Rev. Gearld Teichrob began their collaborative partnership work with RCAC on February 6thBoth Bruce and Gerry have felt warmly welcomed at RCAC and are very much in the learning and discovery mode.  

This first month has been a busy season for them including:

  • Regular attendance and participation at the Tuesday staff prayer time and staff meeting
  • Interviews with the Pastoral Team
  • Learning about the various congregations, fellowships and other ministries at RCAC
  • Developing some weekly routines – Bruce is in the office two days a week – Tuesdays and Thursdays, Gerry is in the office on Tuesdays and some Thursdays
  • Gathering information and doing research about the history of RCAC
  • Attending the Feb 25th Board of Elders meeting
  • Gerry has developed a strategic plan for the Church Health Assessment process – it will begin April 1st
  • Scheduling for preaching and service attendance
  • Learning, observing, asking many questions, and listening

Contact information: Bruce Gordon    Gerry Teichrob


Bruce Gordon 博士和 Gerald Teichrob 牧師已於 202426日出任為本教會的過渡教練/牧師 (TCP)。他們在列宣家感受到熱烈的歡迎,並且在積極地學習和探索中。第一個月對他們來說是一個忙碌的季節,包括:




  制定一些每週例行公事 —  Bruce 每週二和週四在辦公室工作,而則 Gerry 則週  二和某些週四在辦公室



  Gerry 已經制定了教會健康評估的策略和計劃,並將於 4 1 日開始



聯絡: Bruce Gordon -,  Gerry Teichrob -

February 2, 2024

The Board of Elders met with the Transitional Ministry Team on January 21, 2024 and have since finalized a plan for the transitional process. Dr. Bruce Gordon and Rev. Gerald Teichrob will both support RCAC as our Transitional Coach/Pastor (TCP) starting February 6, 2024 for 6 months. Over the next few weeks, the Board of Elders will work with the Transitional Coach/Pastor and pastoral staff on the initial stages of the transitional ministry.

長議會於 2024 年 1 月 21 日與過渡事工團隊會面,現已完成商議,並確定了過渡事工的計劃進程。Bruce Gordon 博士和 Gerald Teichrob 牧師將從 2024年2月6日開始出任為本教會的過渡教練/牧師 (TCP),為期6個月。在接下來的數週,長議會將與過渡教練/牧師和教牧同工合作去展開過渡事工的初階。

November 2023

The Board of Elders will be meeting a potential Transitional Coach candidate on November 17, 2023.

Please pray for this meeting where we will together discern if this is a good fit for the candidate.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)  


  • Has the decision to hire a Transitional Pastor and Transitional Coach been made already?

    Yes, the Board of Elders decided in July to proceed with the process of hiring both roles. 

  • Has this process ever been used in a multi-cultural, multi-language, multiple congregational church? 

    Not in this exact scenario - Fraser Lands Church (similar demographics) went through a similar process in succession planning for their Senior Pastor.  

  • How can we (congregation) participate in this process? 

    The congregation will be key to helping answer the 7 guiding questions (see Presentation) and will be invited to participate in the coming months once a Transitional Coach has been hired. 
    會眾將成為幫助回答 7 個指導性問題(請參閱簡報)的關鍵。一旦聘用了過渡教練,會眾在未來幾個月將會被邀請參與回答有關問題。

  • How long will it take to hire our next Senior Pastor?

    The Transitional Process can take 6 to 18+ months. RCAC is not the only church searching for a Senior Pastor, nor have we been searching for the longest period of time. It took 3+ years to hire and have our last Senior Pastor start serving. 
    過渡過程可能需要 6 至 18 個月或以上。列宣並非是唯一的一間教會在尋找主任牧師,也不是我們尋找主任牧師的時間最長的教會。上一位主任牧師由開始聘請到正式上任,我們整整用了三年多的時間。

  • Who will pay the salary of the Transitional Pastor and Transitional Coach?

    Both roles report directly to the Board of Elders. Any salary and compensation will be paid by RCAC. 