Jesus Exemplifies the Deeper Life
January to April 2023

Jan 1       John 1:1-18                Jesus:  The Word Became Flesh     Jason Cheung

Jan 8       John 3:1-21                Jesus and Nicodemus     Alex Poon

Jan 15     John 4:1-26                Jesus and the Samaritan Woman      Jason Cheung

Jan 22     John 6:1-16                Jesus and His Miracles      Jason Cheung

Jan 29     -                                   [Special Congregational Focus]     Alex Poon
Feb 5      John 8:1-20                 The Adulterous Woman      Jason Cheung

Feb 12    John 10:1-18; 25-30   Jesus the Good Shepherd    Stephen Choi

Feb 19    John 11:1-44               Jesus, Martha, Mary and Lazarus     Jason Cheung

Feb 26    John 12:9-19               Jesus and the Triumphal Entry    Alex Poon

Mar 5      John 13:1-30              Jesus and the Last Supper     Jason Cheung

Mar 12   John 14:1-14               Jesus, The Way to the Father      Alex Poon

Mar 19   John 15:1-10               Jesus: The Vine and the Branches    Jason Cheung

Mar 26    John 17:1-26             Jesus and His Intercession for His Disciples    TBA

Apr 2     John 18:1-27                Jesus and His Arrest and Trial      Jason Cheung

Apr 9     John 20:1-9                  Easter:  Jesus and the Empty Tomb    Alex Poon

Apr 16   John 20:10-29             Jesus and His Appearances       Jason Cheung

Apr 23   John 21:1-23               Jesus and the Reinstating of Peter      Jason Cheung

Apr 30   -                                    [Special Congregational Focus]     Eugene So

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